After events involving a home invasion, a house cat, an ancient artifact, and an unpaid electrical bill, martial artist Ryo Sakazaki and his best friend Robert Garcia must fight their way into the Southtown underworld to save Ryo's sister Y...
After events involving a home invasion, a house cat, an ancient artifact, and an unpaid electrical bill, martial artist Ryo Sakazaki and his best friend Robert Garcia must fight their way into the Southtown underworld to save Ryo's sister Y...
El plan de Ryo y Robert era sencillo: encuentra el molde perdido, reúne la recompensa de $500, y vuelve a tiempo de pagar la factura eléctrica. Ahí es cuando las cosas comenzaron a ir mal. Ryo y Robert accidentalmente se convierten en l...
Mentre cercano un gatto, Ryo e Robert assistono all'omicidio di una persona correlato alla scomparsa di un diamante e vengono contattati dal pappone Mr.Big per negoziare: il diamante - Mr.Big pensa ce l'abbia il duo di karateki - per la sor...
龙虎之拳1992年1月,因为SNK的家用主机“NEO GEO”及其卡带的昂贵价格,SNK开始在全国各地开展主机和卡带的出租业务,受到广泛好评!9月,作为历史上第一个达到100M容量的电子游戏-...
Ryo et Robert sont deux amis de longue date, tous deux experts en arts martiaux. Si la vie a plutôt réussi à Robert, qui est riche, Ryo doit faire des petits boulots pour joindre les deux bouts et payer ses factures. C'est en essayant d...