A phantom thief queen—whose age and gender are unknown—flies around the world on an airship in search of treasure. A gemstone the queen had their sights on is stolen from them by a mysterious circus troupe, and a game soon unfolds betwe...
Призрачная королева воров, возраст и пол которой неизвестны, летает по миру на дирижабле в поисках сокровищ. Драгоценный камень, на...
괴도에게도 미학이 있다! 진부한 도둑질을 거부하는 범죄 세계 유명 인사 '괴도 퀸'. 퀸의 이번 목표는 피투성이 다이아몬드 '린덴의 장미'. 본래 카이로 박물관에 있어야 할 그 보석...
ราชินีจอมโจรผู้ลึกลับซึ่งไม่ทราบอายุและเพศของเธอ บินไปทั่วโลกบนเรือเหาะเพื่อค้นห...