Seok-joon has two sons; Min-seok, who is married, and Yoon-soo, who is not. Seok-joon tells them he is going to give allowance and his wealth to his daughters-in-law only. Yoon-soo asks one of his lady friends to get married for Seok-joon's...
석준에게는 결혼한 아들 민석과 솔로인 윤수 두 명의 아들이 있다. 석준은 며느리에게만 용돈과 자신의 재산을 물려주겠다고 아들들에게 말한다. 솔로인 윤수는 석준에게 용돈을 받...
Seokjun heeft twee zonen, Minseok, die getrouwd is, en Yunsu, die alleenstaand is. Seokjun vertelt zijn zoons dat hij zijn geld en zijn bezittingen alleen aan zijn schoondochter zal doorgeven. Yunsu, die alleenstaand is, bezoekt zijn vriend...