In a hospital waiting room, a group of men arrive and meet one another. Choe, is the upbeat fellow who always thinks of the nation and its people. Cheon was wounded in the war and has fallen into despair. Then there's the dentist, run ragge...
주인공 서만기는 치과의사이지만 그날그날을 겨우 살아가는 평범한 인간이다. 가족의 입에 풀칠도 제대로 못하는 주제에 입만 벌렸다 하면 모조리 헐뜯고 그것도 모자라 애국애족...
In de wachtkamer van een ziekenhuis ontmoeten een groep mannen elkaar. Choe, is de vrolijke kerel die altijd aan de natie en haar mensen denkt. Cheon raakte gewond in de oorlog en is wanhopig geworden. En dan is er nog de tandarts, overromp...