YU Wooseong who had been working as a civil servant is on trial for espionage following his sibling’s confession. A reporter who has been laid off begins following the traces of a spy story manipulated by a government agency. The clues le...
2012년 탈북한 화교 출신의 서울시 공무원 유우성씨가 국정원에 의해 간첩으로 내몰린다. 국정원이 내놓은 명백한 증거는 동생의 증언 ‘자백’이었다. 북쪽 나라의 괴물과 싸워온 ...
הדרמה סובבת סביב עיקרון הסיכון הכפול, ה"non bis in idem", הקובע שלא ניתן להעמיד אדם לדין פעמיים על אותה העבירה.
כאשר צ'וי דו היון (השחקן יי ג'...