Una giovane ragazza trasferitasi a Londra, torna a Pechino dove il padre versa è gravemente ammalato. In concorso al 33° Torino Film Festival (2015), vince il premio come miglior sceneggiatura.
This film expresses feeling in a highly obscure way. It presents a seemingly desultory time period to tell the story of two generations. A young girl who’s confused about what lies ahead is sent to England to receive education from childh...
濒临死亡的父亲(涂们饰)有着辉煌的过去,虽英雄迟暮但内心依然狂放不羁,以异于常人、不近情理的倔强态度抗拒着死亡 的召唤;国外回来的山山(德格娜饰)仍然处在叛逆期...