BABYMETAL's "Legend 2015 - New Year Fox Festival" was a monumental event held at Saitama Super Arena, marking the beginning of the year with a grand celebration of their music and theatricality. This concert was notable for its elaborate st...
Concert des Babymetal à Saitama au Saitama Super Arenao le 10 janvier 2015. Setlist: 1.Megitsune / 2.Iine / 3.Awadama Fever / 4.Akatsuki / 5.Onedari Daisakusen / 6.Catch Me If You Can / 7.Uki Uki Midnight / 8.Yon No Uta / 9.Mischief Of T...
BABYMETAL的2015 新春狐狸祭。这次大约有20,000观众来到了现场。旁白介绍了金属抗争的进度,呼唤着追随者的名字“The One",随着"Megitsune"的开始,神乐队的演奏由始至终。值得一提的是...