In the late 19th century Catholicism was gaining a foothold on Jeju island, much to the horror of the Confucian community, who were seeing their influence diminishing as well as getting increased taxes from Catholic-friendly government offi...
이재수(이정재)는 제주섬 대정군수의 통인 즉,심부름꾼으로 바깥 정세에 밝다. 1901년 천주교인들은 고종황제의 칙서를 들고 들어와 활발한 포교활동을 벌이고, 이를 빌미로 타락한 ...
Aan het einde van de 19e eeuw kreeg het katholicisme voet aan de grond op het eiland Jeju, tot grote schrik van de confucianistische gemeenschap, die hun invloed zag afnemen en hogere belastingen kreeg van katholiek-vriendelijke regeringsfu...