From New York City to the farmlands of the Midwest, there are 50,000 Chinese restaurants in the U.S., yet one dish in particular has conquered the American culinary landscape with a force befitting its military moniker—“General Tso’s ...
「General Tso’s Chicken」一道在美国地区为人熟知的菜式,也成为了最受欢迎的外卖菜式;然而追溯到该道菜的由来,仍是一个谜。最近一部名为《The Search for General Tso’》的记录...
Wie was Generaal Tso en waarom eten wij zijn kip? Deze documentaire ontrafelt de oorsprong en de alomtegenwoordigheid van Chinees-Amerikaans voedsel door middel van een verhaal over een iconisch kipgerecht.
서양 사람들이 가장 좋아하는 중국식 미국 음식이라고 할 수 있는 ‘제너럴 쏘 치킨’의 기원을 찾아가는 다큐멘터리. 쏘 장군이 대체 누구길래 5만여 곳에 이르는 레스토랑에서 그...