Based on the acclaimed memoir by renowned guitarist Andy Summers, Can’t Stand Losing You: Surviving The Police follows Summers’ journey from his early days in the psychedelic ‘60s music scene, when he played with The Animals, to chanc...
Um documentário baseado na memória de Andy Summers, "Can't Stand Losing You: Surviving The Police", te leva a uma viagem musical seguindo a carreira de Andy de banda em banda até a criação do "The Police".
Gebaseerd op de memoires van gitarist Andy Summers. Tegen alle verwachtingen in verovert de iconische rockgroep 'The Police' in de jaren ‘70 en ‘80 de wereld met hun vernieuwende muziek. We volgen Summers tijdens zijn zegetocht met de b...
Baseado no livro de memórias 'One Train Later' do guitarrista Andy Summers, o documentário 'Can't Stand Losing You' narra a ascensão do The Police, desde os primeiros encontros casuais com Copeland e Sting à ruptura da banda.
Ένα 'ταξίδι' στη ζωή του κιθαρίστα Άντι Σάμερς, από τα πρώτα βήματά του στην αγγλική μουσική σκηνή έως την τυχαία συνάντησή του με το...