Max can hardly believe his luck: In a retirement home, he has finally found a gang that will let him join! Admittedly, it's the oldest and most wrinkly gang in the world - but that doesn't matter. He's found the best friends a 10-year-old c...
In der Seniorenresidenz Burg Geroldseck hat der 10-jährige Max endlich richtige, aber alles andere als stinknormale Freunde gefunden: Die abenteuerlustigen Rentner Vera, Horst und Kilian von Tisch Nr. 7 sind immer für ihn da. Nur mit den ...
맥스는 요양원에 사는 소년이다. 요양원 노인인 베라, 호르스트, 킬리안은 어린 맥스의 가장 친한 친구들이다. 맥스가 수업에서 괴롭힘을 당하고, 학교축구팀에서도 외면당하자 이...